Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welcome, everyone!
Hello, my name is Elizabeth Wang. I am currently a student attending Evergreen Valley High School. As a student of this high school, I feel privileged because I am able to seek new opportunities, friends, and education everyday. Outside of school, I am a typical busy student, that often enjoys staying online. :) I am free to connect with many people through this blog. I also hope that I am able to share my own experiences and engage myself in other activities. Anybody can feel free to contact me and read my posts. Indeed, this is my very first blog, therefore, I feel excited!


  1. Hey Elizabeth! Blog buddies with our matching templates! Anyways, I love your introduction about yourself! Well thought out and quite meaningful! Nice work! :)

    1. Thank you Shreya! Your blog introduction was also very interesting to read, and I was able to find out your true interest. :) GO ON AND PURSUE YOUR DREAM AS A DANCER! You go, girl! ;)

  2. How do you like blogging so far?

    1. I hadn't done much! :( Honestly as a first time blogger, it seems awkward to share information and thoughts about me, but I hope I will overcome the fear! ^^ I hope you enjoy your blogging experience!

  3. Hi Elizabeth!
    Best wishes on this new experience then. I think you'll do great.

  4. Thank you, Hannah! I'm sure I'll enjoy this experience as we continue to blog daily! Do you offer any advice on what to blog on? Hahaa :)
