Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Am Thankful For!

When someone asks me what I'm thankful for, I have many thoughts that come to mind. I am truthfully thankful for an endless amount of things, such as my friends, loving family, and the opportunities I am blessed with. I am thankful for everyone who is currently reading this post. Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks for my parents and friends that had grown up with me; they had helped me stand strong like how I am today. I would also like to appreciate teachers that enlightened me towards the way to success. Lastly, I am thankful that I am blessed with so many opportunities, such as having a shelter, a twin sister, a great school, and a blessed religion. Happy Early Thanksgiving, everyone! :D

1 comment:

  1. That was very sweet Liz! Have a Happy Thanksgiving too! :)
