Friday, February 7, 2014

Free Verse Poem

Looking into the mirror,
Wow, suddenly I see my sister,
a scary, surprising, spectacular feeling.
What does the other side of me say about herself?
Does she look into the mirror when I do, 
and questions the gift god gifted her with,
a gift so big there is nothing better.
I can be her mirror, feed her, friend her, compliment her,
yet, we are still different people.

What shall I say about myself in contrast to my twin?
I think differently than the majority;
They say twins are same in and out, 
to which I argue not. 
Comments usually raise about personalities,
to which I believe we have two different hearts,
each of which truly makes us different,
which truly amuses me the most.

So now if I were to ask you,
what defines a pair of twins to you,
Is it a similar, uncanny pair of two,
or is it your strange, suspicious sister or brother that looks exactly like you?

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