Monday, January 6, 2014

Blog Post #6: New Years Resolution/ Second Semester Goals

During the new start of 2014, I am hoping that I can be more determines in my schoolwork an have better performance in all my tasks. This year, I am looking forward to developing better studying habits, such as efficiency and concentration. I have other resolutions for this year that aren't necessary school related, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising more, choosing healthier choices, and sleeping earlier. Hopefully, stress will not be a big obstacle this year, and that I'll become confident and strong while battling hardships.
My second semester goals include getting straight A's, exploring a wide range of extra curricular activities, studying SAT, being determined, staying confident, having a great self image, making new friends, maintaining religious strength, passing my AP exam, and working efficiently. It's very important for me to make a big change this year, because I thought that my previous semester was unsuccessful, mainly because the grades I earned were unexpected. Hopefully, with greater improvements this year, I can keep my reputation as a smart and hard working student. :)

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